
Get to Know Me Before We Make It Official

Hey! I’m Cathy, Owner of Hygiea Health & Wellness and

Founder of And Breathe Breathwork Academy

My personal grief journey began just over a decade ago when my younger sister was diagnosed with a rare form of Malignant Melanoma. She was just out of her teens, and I was in my early twenties. Her disease spread quickly and aggressively putting her on the fast track to a hospice admission. Immediately, I knew that no one would take care of my sister as good as I could, so I brought her home while she was in-home hospice. Although, I didn’t know it at the time, this decision was one that would go on to drastically alter my path.  While I willingly and happily chose to take care of my sister during a time THE most difficult and life altering time in her life, it was at the time, the most difficult thing I had ever had to do. 

I thought I had everything under control; I had an incredible support system surrounding me but even so, the difficult years that followed her decline and eventual passing were filled with confusion, anger, and a whirlwind of emotions that I struggled to process. This is where my journey as a therapist began, driven by a deep curiosity about the human mind and a genuine desire to make a difference in the lives of others.

Recognizing the immense pain and suffering caused by traumatic experiences, I embarked on a path of education, training, and personal growth to equip myself with the knowledge and skills necessary to heal vulnerable individuals. I know how trauma can have a profound impact on your life.

I have always been interested in understanding people, their emotions, and their overall well-being, which led me to pursue Grief and Integrative Health. During the most difficult and scary times in life I have helped people find peace and uncover deep meaning. We tapped into their true voice and from its great resilience emerged. Clients tell me our work together positively changed their entire lives!

I see my role as a therapist like a guide or teacher – think Yoda, Glenda the Good Witch, Dumbledore, or insert your favorite movie-hero mentor! You are the rising star of your epic fairytale. My part is to ensure you have the right tools, maps, and directions to get you to your happily ever after feeling.

Having walked through my own personal struggles, I want to assure you that you don’t have to face your challenges alone.

Together, we will create a safe and supportive environment for you to tap into your unique strengths, cultivate self-compassion, and prioritize your own well-being. Through consistent practice and effective therapeutic techniques, you will transition from survival mode to a state of wholeness, balance, and a stronger ability to navigate life’s obstacles, stressors, and various roles you fulfill.

Ky99odxmkgv17tcLife outside of my practice is full of adventure.

When I’m not working with clients or honing my practices, I love to hike in the beautiful mountains and trails of New Hampshire.

My favorite things in the world are to hang out in the backyard with my family, play card/board games, or sit in silence – in the rare moments that happen with a house full of animals and loud humans. I love to cook and try new recipes. While I’m not a master baker, I could steal the show on an episode of Nailed It!

I have two boys (12 and 22); my oldest son proudly serves in the United States Air Force and keeps me grounded. My youngest keeps me on my toes with his wild spirit.

As Featured On (2)

Credentials & Education.

  • B.A., Social Pyschology (Montana State University)
  • M.S., Psychology (Southern New Hampshire University)
  • Certified Trauma and Recovery Practitioner – Harvard Extension School
  • Grief and Bereavement Counseling – American Academy of Grief Counseling at AIHCP
  • Grief Counseling for Children and Adolescents – American Academy of Grief Counseling at AIHCP
  • IIN-Certified Holistic Nutrition Health Coach – Institute for Integrative Nutrition
  • Certified Integrative Health Practitioner
  • Certified Mental Health Practitioner
  • Certificate in Natural and Herbal Medicine

My Unique Approach

Mental Clarity and Emotional Resilience

  • Embrace a therapeutic coaching practice that goes deeper, addressing both mental fortitude and emotional intelligence.
  • Unlock the doors to self-awareness and self-acceptance, leveraging strategies that empower you to navigate life’s complex tapestry.

Physical Health as a Cornerstone

  • Discover how physical elements like gut health and hormone balance can dramatically impact your overall wellbeing.
  • Receive tailored recommendations for supplements and physical activities that resonate with your unique physiology.

Personalized, Compassionate Care

  • Every recommendation is hyper-personalized, ensuring that you receive a plan that is as unique as you are.
  • Get guided by a practitioner who understands that the journey towards wellness transcends traditional methods and explores new dimensions of health.

What I stand for

  • A high touch, human approach, with customized hand crafted pathways to ensure YOUR success
  • Never leaving you in the dark, by ensuring long term continuing support to ensure your success now, tomorrow, and for years to come. No more gaps in service.
  • One program for all your needs so you can avoid the confusion and overwhelmingness of having opinions, advice, and ‘experts’ coming from all sides.
  • ​Clear and simple strategies to make your daily life easier, you feeling healthier, happier, and leave you with the energy you need to slay all day.
  • Creating ‘the village’ your safe place for help, advice, support and grace. A place where others come together and share for the benefit of all.

Let’s Dive In.

I want to help you find where inspired living meets deep healing.

Some people think that focusing on yourself in therapy is selfish. You think “Counseling would be a nice thing to feel better but I really need to focus on my upcoming work deadline, giving my partner more time, or better coordinating my family’s activities.”

I’m inviting you to give this gift to yourself now. Our work together will not only give you relief, but it will positively impact all the other areas of your life including your career, relationships, and overall health.

Let me teach you how to surf the waves of life. Peace, purpose, and happiness are just ahead. Believe in a better tomorrow for yourself and take the plunge today.

Helping you feel whole again

Why Integrative Health?

Integrative medicine combines the best of conventional medicine with evidence-based complementary therapies to provide a holistic approach to healthcare.

Here are some key reasons why you should consider integrative medicine.

Holistic Approach:

Integrative medicine focuses on treating the whole person – mind, body, and spirit. It acknowledges that each individual is unique, and thus offers personalized treatment plans that address underlying causes rather than just symptoms. This approach promotes long-term healing and aims to improve overall quality of life.

Combining the Best of All Worlds:

Integrative medicine integrates the most effective elements of conventional medicine with proven complementary therapies. By combining these approaches, patients can benefit from the strengths of both, resulting in enhanced treatment outcomes.

Prevention, Root Causes, & Wellness

Integrative medicine places a strong emphasis on preventive care and overall wellness. Rather than solely treating acute conditions, it works to identify and address potential health issues before they become serious. This proactive approach helps individuals maintain optimal health and prevent future diseases.

Patient-Centered Care:

Integrative medicine focuses on developing strong patient-provider relationships, encouraging open communication and active involvement in decision-making. Patients are treated as partners in their healthcare journey, allowing for shared decision-making and a more comprehensive understanding of treatment options.

Broad Range of Modalities:

Integrative medicine encompasses a wide range of evidence-based therapies, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, mind-body techniques (e.g., meditation, yoga), nutrition, and massage therapy. These complementary approaches not commonly found in conventional medicine can improve symptom management, promote healing, and reduce reliance on medication.

Addressing Chronic Conditions:

Integrative medicine particularly excels in managing chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune disorders, and mental health conditions. By utilizing various modalities, integrative medicine offers a multi-dimensional treatment approach that addresses physical, psychological, and emotional aspects of chronic illnesses.

Safety and Side Effects:

Many complementary therapies utilized in integrative medicine are non-invasive, have minimal side effects, and are considered safe when practiced by trained professionals. This holistic approach often reduces the need for invasive procedures, surgeries, or strong pharmaceutical interventions, mitigating possible risks and adverse effects.

Research and Evidence-Based Practices:

Integrative medicine embraces evidence-based practices that undergo rigorous research and evaluation. This ensures that therapies are safe, effective, and supported by scientific evidence. Integrative medicine providers stay up-to-date with the latest research to provide the most beneficial treatment options to their patients.