

Heartfelt Wisdom and Inspirations

Gain wisdom, knowledge, strategies, and resources to help you navigate through euphoric moments, challenging workdays, moments of inspiration search, and when you want to discover your authentic self. As I continue to learn and grow, I will share my journey with you through these pages so that we can learn and grow together.

A Practical Guide for Grieving During the Holidays

Untitled Design (6)The holiday season can bring up an array of emotions, especially for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. It’s supposed to be a time of joy, but for many people, it’s a time of sadness, loneliness, and isolation. Whether it’s your first holiday season without your loved one or you’ve gone through this before, it’s essential to take care of yourself. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with a practical guide to navigating the holidays while grieving, so you can find some comfort and peace during this challenging time.

Practical Plan for Dealing with the Holidays After a Loss:

1. Allow yourself to feel: The holidays often come with an expectation of happiness and cheer. However, it’s okay to feel sad or emotional during this time. It’s important to allow yourself to grieve and feel your emotions. Suppressing your feelings could lead to delayed or prolonged grief. It’s healthy to acknowledge your emotions and share them with people you trust and who can support you.

2. Create a new tradition: The holidays can be a reminder of the past, and sometimes that can be painful. Creating a new tradition can be a positive way to honor your loved one and allow you to move forward. It could be something simple like lighting a candle, watching a movie, or cooking your loved one’s favorite meal. It can be helpful to involve other family members or friends, so you feel less alone during the holiday season.

3. Take time for yourself: It’s normal to want to isolate yourself when you’re grieving, but it’s important to take care of yourself physically and emotionally. Make sure to eat healthy, get enough rest, and engage in activities that bring you joy. Self-care can help you cope with grief and stress, which is essential during the holiday season.

4. Seek support: Support is essential when you’re grieving, and it’s especially important during the holidays. Spend time with supportive friends and family members, and engage in support groups or counseling sessions. It can be helpful to talk to people who understand what you’re going through and can offer you comfort and encouragement.

5. Honor your loved one: The holiday season can be an excellent opportunity to honor your loved one’s memory. You can do this by sharing stories, looking at pictures, or dedicating a holiday decoration to your loved one. You can also make a donation in their name or volunteer at a charity that meant something to them. Honoring your loved one’s memory can help you feel connected to them during the holiday season.

6. Make a new holiday photo album with pictures and memories from holidays past.

7. Skip holiday events if you are feeling overwhelmed.

8. Be honest. Tell people what you DO want and what you DONT want to do.

9. Make some quiet time for yourself. The holidays can be hectic. Try journaling, meditating, or listening to music.

10. Practice self-care.

11. Support kids by doing a memorial grief activity together.

12. Say yes to help. Your family and friends may want to help, so take them up on their offers.

13. Enjoy yourself!! The holidays will be tough, but there will also be love and joy!

14. Skip it! Really. If you just cant face the holiday, it is okay to take a breatk this year. Before you get to this exterme, though, first consider if you could just simplify your holuday. If you do skip the holidays, still make a plan. Decide if you will still see friends or family, go see a new movie, or make another plan.

15. Make a list and check it twice! Grief makes it harder for us to concentrate and remember things. When you have a lot going on during the holidays, make a list even if you arent usually a list-maker, and write things on the calendar.

16. Remember, it is okay to be happy! Happiness doesnt diminish how miuch you love and miss your loved ones. Dont feel guilty for feeling joy this holiday season.

Grieving during the holidays is not easy, but it’s important to take care of yourself physically and emotionally. Allow yourself to feel your emotions, create new traditions, take time for yourself, seek support, and honor your loved one’s memory. Remember, there is no right way to grieve, and you should take your time to heal and process your emotions. Be kind to yourself during this time, and know that it’s okay to feel sad or emotional. With time and support, you will get through the holiday season.

Are We Being Poisoned by Our Toilet Paper?

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, commonly known as PFAS, are a group of man-made chemicals found in a wide range of consumer products. One such unsuspecting product where PFAS have made an appearance is toilet paper. The application of these chemicals provides a repellent coating, preventing breakdown when exposed to moisture. However, the health effects of PFAS are becoming increasingly concerning.

The Hidden Dangers of PFAS

PFAS are known as “forever chemicals” due to their persistent nature. They resist breaking down in the environment and can also accumulate in our bodies over time. Research has linked prolonged exposure to these chemicals with a variety of health issues including hormonal disruption, immune system impairment, and even certain types of cancer.

Toilet Paper: An Unlikely Culprit

The presence of PFAS in toilet paper primarily originates from recycled materials that contain these chemicals. As we use this daily essential, we may inadvertently expose ourselves to these harmful substances. Furthermore, PFAS can leach into the wastewater system, infiltrating the water supply and extending the chain of exposure.

What Can Be Done?

It’s essential that we press for stricter regulations around the use of PFAS in consumer products. As consumers, we should aim to be more conscious of our choices, opting for products that are advertised as ‘PFAS-free’. Also, supporting research into PFAS alternatives can pave the way for safer consumer products in the future.

The risk of PFAS in toilet paper is a serious concern, increased awareness and proactive steps can help us mitigate this risk. We can protect ourselves, and the environment, from the harmful effects of these ‘forever chemicals’.

Understanding PFAS: The ‘Forever Chemicals’

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) represent a group of man-made chemicals that are notable for their resistance to heat, water, and oil. First synthesized in the 1940s, they have since been utilized in a vast spectrum of applications, from non-stick cookware and stain-resistant fabrics to fire-fighting foams and much more.

PFAS owe their nickname, ‘forever chemicals’, to their remarkable stability. Their carbon-fluorine bonds are among the strongest in organic chemistry, making them incredibly resistant to degradation processes. Consequently, once released into the environment — through industrial processes, consumer product usage, or improper disposal methods — they persist for an extraordinarily long time.

The environmental durability of PFAS, however, is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it lends these compounds their valuable properties. On the other, it leads to their accumulation in the environment and in the bodies of humans and wildlife, raising serious health and ecological concerns.

Implicated health effects of PFAS exposure include hormone disruption, lowered immunity, developmental issues in infants and children, increased cholesterol levels, and an elevated risk of certain cancers. Ongoing research continues to explore the full spectrum of potential health impacts of these persistent pollutants.

Addressing the PFAS issue calls for a multi-pronged approach. At the individual level, being an informed consumer and choosing PFAS-free products wherever feasible can help reduce personal exposure. At the societal level, it’s important to advocate for stricter regulations and improved industrial practices to limit PFAS release into the environment. Additionally, supporting scientific research into safer alternatives to these chemicals can contribute to the development of less harmful products in the future.

Ultimately, while the challenge posed by PFAS is considerable, understanding these ‘forever chemicals’ represents the first step towards protecting our health and the environment.

By increasing public awareness of the dangers posed by PFAS and working together to reduce their use, we can help ensure a healthier future for generations to come.

In terms of toilet paper specifically, it is important to note that some companies have started producing products with minimal or no use of PFAS-containing substances in its manufacturing process. For instance, several brands are using recycled paper and/or plant-based ingredients in their products, thus avoiding the use of these harmful chemicals. By choosing PFAS-free toilet papers whenever possible, consumers can help reduce their own exposure levels as well as support companies that prioritize environmental sustainability.

Additionally, individuals who are concerned about PFAS in toilet paper should take the time to read the product labels and Avoid brands that may be using PFAS-containing ingredients in their manufacturing process. Doing so can help them make better informed decisions when choosing a toilet paper product that is safe for both themselves and the environment.

Finally, it is essential to remember that the issue of PFAS in toilet paper is part of a larger problem – one which requires collective action from both industry and consumers. By becoming educated on the risks of PFAS-containing products, taking steps to reduce our own exposure levels, and supporting eco-friendly alternatives wherever possible, we can help create a healthier future for all of us.

At the same time, it is important to recognize that cleaning up the environment from existing concentrations of PFAS will be a long-term project. Governments, businesses, and individuals all have an important role to play in this process – from setting new regulations for the use of these chemicals, to investing in technologies that can help reduce their environmental impact. By working together to identify and address the sources of PFAS contamination, we can create a safer environment for everyone.

The Power of Self-Advocacy: Unleashing Your True Potential

In the complex world of healthcare, it is important for everyone to take an active role in their own care…especially health care. This means being informed, asking questions, and advocating for oneself. This practice, known as self-advocacy, empowers patients to make the best decisions about their health and treatment options.

Lets take a moment to delve into why self-advocacy is important and how it can positively impact your healthcare journey.

The Role of Self-Advocacy

  1. Knowledge is Power:
    • Educating oneself about the healthcare system and medical conditions can help patients navigate the complexities of their own care.
    • Being aware of treatment options and possible alternatives allows patients to actively participate in the decision-making process with their healthcare providers.
  2. Improved Communication:
    • Speaking openly and honestly with healthcare providers can lead to better understanding of the patient’s concerns and needs.
    • Active engagement during appointments can help patients better understand their diagnosis, treatment plan, and any potential risks or side effects.
  3. Patient-Centered Care:
    • Self-advocacy promotes a patient-centered approach to healthcare, where patients are viewed as active participants in their own care.
    • By advocating for their preferences and values, patients can ensure that their healthcare experience aligns with their individual needs and goals.
  4. Preventing Medical Errors:
    • Patients who are actively involved in their healthcare are more likely to notice and correct potential errors or omissions in their treatment plans.
    • By actively participating in their care, patients can play a crucial role in preventing medical errors and ensuring their safety.

Tips for Effective Self-Advocacy

  1. Educate Yourself:
    • Research your medical condition, treatment options, and potential risks.
    • Seek credible sources and consult healthcare professionals for reliable information.
  2. Ask Questions:
    • Don’t be afraid to ask your healthcare provider questions when something is not clear.
    • Write down your questions before your appointment to ensure you don’t forget anything.
  3. Communicate Openly:
    • Clearly express your concerns, fears, and preferences to your healthcare provider.
    • Ask for clarification if you don’t understand something.
  4. Seek a Second Opinion:
    • If you have doubts or concerns about your diagnosis or treatment plan, don’t hesitate to seek a second opinion.
  5. Document Everything:
    • Keep a record of your medical history, tests, medications, and treatments.
    • This can help you keep track of your healthcare journey and ensure continuity of care.

6. Listen to your gut and body:

    • No one knows your body as well as you do not even your doctor. If something doesnt feel right, question it.
    • If a plan doesnt feel aligned, sound good, or feel good in your body, speak up and ask questions.

Self-advocacy is not just a buzzword; it is a critical aspect of receiving the best possible healthcare. By actively participating in your own care, you can ensure their voice is heard, their concerns are addressed, and their treatment aligns with their needs and goals. Empower yourself and become an advocate for your own health – your well-being depends on it!

Self-advocacy is an essential tool for personal growth, empowerment, and overall well-being.

By embracing this practice, we unlock our true potential and take control of our lives. It allows us to assert our needs, overcome obstacles, establish healthy boundaries, make informed decisions, and build meaningful relationships. So, let us harness the power of self-advocacy, confidently advocating for ourselves and creating a world that acknowledges and respects our worth.

Remember, your voice matters, and your self-advocacy can change the course of your life for the better.

Breathwork is Medicine: Bridging the Spiritual Aspects and Neuroscience



In today’s fast-paced world, stress and anxiety have become an inevitable part of our lives. We all seek means to alleviate these burdens, to find solace and peace amidst the chaos. One such powerful tool that answers this call is breathwork. While breathwork is often associated with meditation and relaxation, it goes beyond that- bridging the gap between the spiritual and scientific realms to emerge as a potent form of healing medicine.

On the spiritual front, breathwork has been practiced for thousands of years across different cultures and traditions. Ancient yogis and mystics understood the profound impact that conscious breathing has on our wellbeing. In traditional practices like pranayama, breathwork is seen as a way to connect deeply with our vital life force energy, known as prana or chi. It is believed that by consciously manipulating our breath, we can tap into our inner essence, release stuck energy, and open up channels of flow within our body and mind.

From a spiritual standpoint, breathwork facilitates a deep sense of connection with ourselves and the universe. By bringing our awareness to the breath, we create a space for introspection and self-reflection. This practice encourages us to release limiting beliefs, old traumas, and negative emotions that no longer serve us, making room for healing and transformation. As we breathe in the energy of the universe, we let go of anything that hinders our growth, allowing us to align with our true essence.

But what about the scientific aspects of breathwork? How does it work from a neuroscientific perspective? Recent research has shed light on the physiological and psychological benefits of conscious breathing. When we engage in slow, intentional breathing, we activate the parasympathetic nervous system, also known as the “rest and digest” response. This response counteracts the sympathetic nervous system, responsible for the “fight or flight” response that often dominates our daily lives.

When the parasympathetic system is activated through breathwork, it triggers a cascade of positive effects in our body and mind. It lowers cortisol levels, reduces heart rate and blood pressure, and releases endorphins, the feel-good hormones. This creates a sense of calm and relaxation, allowing our body to enter a natural healing state.

Studies have shown that conscious breathing can also impact the brain, promoting neuroplasticity. Certain breathing techniques, like alternate nostril breathing, stimulate the prefrontal cortex, responsible for our rational thinking and decision-making abilities. This activation enhances cognitive function, focus, and clarity, enabling us to navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and resilience.

The convergence of spirituality and neuroscience in breathwork offers us a powerful tool for holistic healing and self-discovery. By embracing the spiritual aspects of breathwork, we tap into our inner wisdom and access higher states of consciousness. Simultaneously, the scientific underpinnings of breathwork validate its efficacy in promoting physical and mental well-being.

If you feel called to explore breathwork as medicine, there are various approaches and techniques to choose from, such as holotropic breathwork, rebirthing breathwork, and the Wim Hof Method. It is advisable to seek guidance from experienced practitioners to ensure a safe and controlled practice.

Breathwork has emerged as a bridge between the spiritual and scientific realms, offering us a unique form of medicine for the mind, body, and soul. By harnessing the power of our breath, we can transcend our limitations, release what no longer serves us, and align with our true essence. So, take a deep breath, and allow the transformative journey of breathwork to unfold within you. Check out the Breathwork section under “Services” for more information.  

When Everything Else Has Failed: The Powerful Role of Integrative Medicine


Modern medicine has made significant advancements and brought about remarkable achievements in healthcare. However, there are instances where conventional treatments may fall short in addressing complex health issues or chronic conditions. This is where integrative medicine steps in, offering a holistic approach that combines scientific techniques with alternative, evidence-based practices. Integrative medicine embraces various treatment modalities and takes into account the unique needs of each individual, providing an alternative option when conventional methods have failed to show results.

1. A Holistic Perspective:

Integrative medicine takes a holistic view, recognizing that the body, mind, and spirit are interconnected and can influence overall health. It acknowledges that treating only the symptoms may not suffice to address the root cause of an issue. By adopting a holistic approach, integrative medicine aims to restore balance and promote the body’s natural healing processes, which can often facilitate breakthroughs where conventional medicine has struggled.

2. Complementary Therapies:

When patients have exhausted conventional treatments without satisfactory results, integrative medicine offers a range of complementary therapies that can be integrated into their care plan. These therapies include acupuncture, herbal medicine, chiropractic care, nutrition counseling, mindfulness-based practices, and more. By combining these therapies with conventional treatments, integrative medicine can enhance overall well-being, improve disease management, and even activate the body’s self-healing mechanisms.

3. Tailored Treatment Plans:

One of the key strengths of integrative medicine is its individualized treatment plans. Each patient is assessed comprehensively, taking into account their medical history, lifestyle factors, emotional well-being, and personal preferences. By considering the whole person and their unique circumstances, integrative medicine can provide personalized treatment options that may have been overlooked or ignored within the realm of conventional medicine. This tailored approach can be a game-changer, especially for patients who have not found relief through standardized protocols.

4. Addressing Chronic Conditions:

Chronic conditions can often prove challenging to manage, and individuals may struggle to find long-lasting solutions. Integrative medicine offers a refreshing perspective by focusing on optimizing overall health and strengthening the body’s innate ability to heal itself. Techniques such as stress reduction, nutritional support, mind-body techniques, and lifestyle modifications are employed to address the underlying factors contributing to chronic diseases. Integrative medicine aims to help patients regain control over their health and improve their quality of life, often achieving positive outcomes where other approaches have failed.

5. Consideration of Multiple Perspectives:

Integrative medicine encourages collaboration between healthcare professionals from diverse backgrounds. By considering multiple perspectives and combining the expertise of various practitioners, patients receive a comprehensive and well-rounded approach to their care. This interdisciplinary collaboration can lead to unique insights, innovative treatments, and a more holistic understanding of the patient’s condition.

Integrative medicine provides a valuable alternative when conventional treatments have proven ineffective. By embracing a holistic perspective, incorporating complementary therapies, tailoring treatments, and leveraging multiple perspectives, integrative medicine opens up possibilities for healing and improved well-being. While it may not be a one-size-fits-all solution, the individualized and comprehensive nature of this approach offers hope where all else has failed. Exploring the realm of integrative medicine may lead to breakthroughs, renewed hope, and the potential for a better quality of life for countless individuals.

All About That Gut

Vl Covers (3)Gut health is crucial for everyone, but most people tend to overlook its significance. A healthy gut promotes overall physical and mental well-being. It is also essential for a robust immune system and efficient digestion. Hence, gut health is a crucial topic that deserves more attention. In this blog post, we will be discussing the importance of gut health, the consequences of untreated gut issues, the benefits of optimizing gut health and tips to start working on gut health.

  • Importance of Gut Health:

The gut, also known as the gastrointestinal tract, consists of various organs responsible for digesting food, absorbing nutrients, and eliminating waste. Moreover, the gut is home to an array of microorganisms, collectively called gut microbiota. These microorganisms perform invaluable functions such as synthesizing vitamins, regulating metabolism, improving immunity and inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria. Therefore, it is pivotal to maintain gut health to ensure proper digestion, absorption, and utilization of nutrients and to improve the immune system.

  • Consequences of Untreated Gut Issues:

Poor gut health can lead to several adverse health effects. Digestive issues such as bloating, indigestion, and constipation are amongst the most common. Long-term untreated gut issues can contribute to more severe conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, leaky gut syndrome, and irritable bowel syndrome. Recent studies have also revealed a link between gut health and mental conditions such as anxiety, depression and brain dysfunction.

  • Optimizing Gut Health:

The good news is that small lifestyle changes can vastly improve gut health. Following are some tips to optimize gut health:

  1. Probiotic-rich foods: Foods rich in probiotics such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi are great for gut health. Probiotics help maintain a healthy balance of gut microbiota.
  2. Fiber-rich foods: Fiber-rich foods such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables are essential for healthy digestion and bowel movements.
  3. Stay hydrated: Drinking water and fluids such as herbal tea, coconut water, and bone broth helps flush toxins out of the body.
  4. Reduce stress: Stress wreaks havoc on gut health. Stress management activities such as yoga, meditation, and exercise can improve gut health significantly.
  5. Avoid processed foods and high-fat meals: Processed food and meals high in fat and sugar can damage the gut microbiota, leading to adverse health consequences.

Do I need to work on gut health?

Several signals can indicate gut issues. Some of the most common signs are bloating, abdominal discomfort, changes in bowel movements, and indigestion. However, other symptoms can signify gut issues such as low immunity, insomnia, skin problems, mood swings, and inflammation.

Gut health is pivotal for overall health and well-being. Untreated gut issues can lead to several adverse health effects. Small lifestyle changes such as consuming probiotic-rich foods, eating fiber-rich meals, staying hydrated and reducing stress can help improve gut health immensely. Recognizing the signs of gut issues is also crucial in ensuring timely treatment.

Small changes today can start you towards a better gut health tomorrow!

Navigating Grief

Walk3Losing a loved one can be a traumatic experience that can leave us feeling sad, angry, confused, or overwhelmed. Grief is a natural response to the loss of someone we love, and it can manifest itself in a variety of ways both emotionally and physically. Coming to terms with grief can be an incredibly challenging process, but understanding the mental effects of grief and loss can help us to navigate this difficult time.

One of the most common symptoms of grief is depression. It is not uncommon for those who are grieving to feel overwhelmed, sad, or hopeless. The emotional pain of grief can be so intense that it can interfere with our ability to function normally. Some people experience feelings of guilt or regret, while others may be wracked with anger or resentment. These emotions can be overwhelming and can make it challenging to find solace and peace in the midst of a difficult time.

Another common symptom of grief is anxiety. This can manifest as a lack of concentration, difficulty sleeping, or even panic attacks. Feelings of fear and vulnerability can also be a natural response to the loss of a loved one. This may stem from the fact that the world can feel less safe and predictable when someone important to us has passed away.

For some, grief can also cause physical symptoms like headaches, muscle pain, and fatigue. The body may respond to grief and loss in ways that are difficult to understand, but it is a common response to a different kind of stress.

It is important to remember that everyone experiences grief and loss differently, and there is no “right” way to grieve. The healing process is a very personal journey, and each individual will navigate it in a way that is unique to them. If you or someone you know is struggling with grief and loss, it can be helpful to reach out to a professional for help and guidance.

Losing a loved one is never easy, and it is important to take the time to understand the mental effects of grief and loss. It is a complicated process that can last for a long time, but with the right support and care, we can find ways to cope and heal. Remember that it is okay to seek help when needed and to take things one day at a time.

Treating YOU As A Whole

60361246For many years, the traditional approach to healthcare has focused on treating isolated symptoms of disease and illness. This approach has allowed us to treat many conditions with medications that are specifically designed to target the symptoms or side effects of those conditions. However, this approach is limited in its ability to produce long-lasting, sustainable health outcomes. 

The human body is a complex system, and every part of it is interconnected. Traditional medicine often focuses on treating a specific symptom or set of symptoms without taking into account the multiple factors that may be causing those symptoms. In doing so, it often ignores the underlying causes that may be contributing to the development of the symptoms. 

Treating the whole person instead of just addressing symptoms means looking beyond the symptoms and addressing the root causes of the illness. This means considering not only physical factors but also emotional, mental, and environmental factors that may be contributing to the illness. 

The benefits of treating the whole person are many. First, it allows for a more accurate diagnosis and treatment plan that is tailored to the individual. This approach helps to minimize misdiagnosis and reduces the risk of being prescribed medications that may have harmful side effects. 

Treating the whole person has the potential to heal the body in ways that are not possible with traditional approaches. Addressing the root cause of an illness can lead to longer-lasting and sustainable healing. For example, if a person is diagnosed with depression, they may be prescribed medication to help alleviate the symptoms of the illness. However, if the root cause of the depression is not addressed, the individual may continue to experience depression indefinitely or find that their symptoms reoccur if they stop taking the medication. 

Treating the whole person can also have significant positive impacts on one’s quality of life. By addressing the root causes of an illness, individuals may find that their symptoms are eliminated or greatly reduced. This can lead to an improvement in their overall physical health, emotional wellbeing, and mental outlook. 

Treating the whole person is essential for promoting sustainable health outcomes. It requires an understanding of the multiple factors contributing to illness and a personalized approach to treatment that addresses the root causes of the illness. By doing so, we can improve the quality of life and overall health outcomes of individuals and shift towards a more preventative approach to healthcare.


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